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“Writing for Change” workshop at the Charleston Library Society on Jan. 19

Award-winning author Miles Tager, author of Grandfather Mountain, A Profile will offer a ‘Writing for Change’ creative writing workshop from 12-4 p.m. at the Charleston Library Society, 164 King St., on Friday, Jan. 19. The workshop in Charleston at this prestigious venue is the first of many upcoming workshops in this historic city.

“This workshop is not a class; there will be no grades or criticism,” Tager said. “Instruction will offer positive, practical techniques for both beginning and developing writers to get their ideas onto paper, and if they wish, published.”

His nonfiction book, Grandfather Mountain, A Profile, tracks the mountain's history from foundation 500 million years ago through evolutionary and human development to the present day.

Grandfather Mountain, A Profile, was published in 1999, based on research gathered in a successful campaign to save the mountain from a ski resort development. Grandfather Mountain is the highest, oldest, and most prominent mountain in the Blue Ridge chain, and unique in its history and ecology.

Tager has worked as a journalist and advocate for 30 years, writing for numerous newspapers and magazines, and garnering writing awards from Appalachian State University, the North Carolina Press Association, North Carolina Bar Association, and the North Carolina Writer’s Network.

Grandfather Mountain a Profile won the North Carolina Historical Society Book of the Year award in 1999 and is on the Approved Reading Lists for North Carolina Public Schools and libraries.

“All writing affects change, whether personal, professional, spiritual, or practical,” Tager said. “This workshop will address how to use the written work in both responding to, and creating change in your life and the lives of others.”

To register please call the Charleston Library Society at 843-723-9912. Tickets are $50 for members and $75 for nonmembers. Participants are asked to bring a notebook and copy of a favorite book.


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